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2.3 Final Project Milestone One Proposal for Reclassification of Deviance Project

2.3 Final Project Milestone One Proposal for Reclassification of Deviance Project

Q For the first installment of your final project, submit a one-page proposal that identifies the topic of your study and why you chose it. Your paper should also contain contain a thesis statement that indicates your reasoning as to why a particular behavior should be reclassified as non-deviant. Finally, include a working title for your paper. Make sure that you review your paper for clarity and coherence of thought. Proofread it carefully to make certain that it is free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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Deviances are those conditions that society disapproves of and calls offensive (Clinard & Meir, 2016). Society has norms and rules, and they expect every human being to follow those blindly. However, willingly or unwillingly, people move away from social norms and behave differently. These acts are tagged as deviant behavior, even though all are not. My topic for the final project is 'Obesity', and my working title is: “Obesity As A Non-Deviant Act”. Goode and Vail in Extreme Deviance, 2008 characterize obesity as deviant behaviour (Pieterman, 2015).